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Friday, October 18, 2013

A little update...

A lot has happened in the last few months, but honestly I haven’t updated the blog because some of those happenings are not quite set in stone yet.  A few people have asked me recently if we still have a blog… Oops!! So here is a quick update…

One totally exciting event took place way back in like June-ish, but took some time to become official.  Grant was offered an internship position with a company called Managed Wealth Financial back in the spring, but Grant told them he can’t do his internship until his senior year, which was 2 years away at that time.  However, he heard through some friends of ours that he could do his internship for a company that he had previously worked for.  So, he contacted the regional manager who had offered the internship to him and told him he could start working for them now!  As of August, Grant is a financial consultant, currently licensed to sell life insurance.  He is studying for his Series 6 exam, which covers investments and securities.  That is what he wants to focus on in his career, so he is excited to take that exam before the end of the year.  Grant loves finance, which I am sure you already know if you have read my past blog posts.  He reads finance books all the time and is always helping others with their personal budgets.  AND he has been the ward clerk since I think March, which he LOVES.  He took his first few clients in September and sold his first two policies at the end of the month.  He is really excited about his career choice, and it is fun to see him so passionate about what he does.  I am grateful that my hubby is so natural in this area, because I am totally NOT! I have learned a lot about finance, and I feel very secure because he knows what he is doing.  Those of you who are married can probably relate to those times when you realize you’re married to the right person… When Grant told me he wanted to be a financial consultant, it was one of those moments :)

I changed my major on the second day of this semester.  Those of you who know me probably know I love, love, love psychology.  I always knew that’s the field I wanted to study and have a career in.  AND, I have enjoyed it all through college.  However, back when Grant and I were dating, we discussed whether or not I would be a working mom or a stay-at-home mom.  Grant always wanted the latter, yet I wasn’t really set on either one of the two.  I realized soon after we had that conversation that I really wanted to be a stay-at-home mom if our situation allowed, and I have known without a doubt that that is what I want to do since we have been married.  So, I knew in the back of my mind that I might not be putting a degree to use right away, since we were planning on starting a family right after I graduate.  I also didn’t plan on working until our kids are older or even out of the house.  BUT, I was still getting my degree for that “later-on” or “just-in-case” situation.  However, on the first day of the semester, I sat in my History and Systems of Psychology class and had this overwhelming feeling that I wasn’t doing the right thing.  I was confused because I LOVE psychology (always have since my first psych class in high school) and didn’t know what else I would do.  I have always kind of planned on attending cosmetology school after my BA, so I thought that maybe I should just graduate with my associates at the end of the semester and attend the hair academy next year, then  finish up my degree if I wanted/needed to afterwards.  That was a possibility for a few weeks, until I realized I needed to change my major.  I know it was the right change because I have been so extremely excited about it since.  I am now a Marriage and Family Studies major with an emphasis in Home and Family Living.  So, I get to take lots of classes that will be so practical and useful for being a wife, mom, and homemaker.  That is what I am most excited about.  Another huge plus is that I still get to take quite a few psych classes.  ALSO, I get to take a pregnancy class and a few sewing classes, which I am super excited about.  This major definitely caters to my creative, future mommy side.  It's great!  I want to take all of the classes available to me, even though I don’t need all of them.  That’s when you know you are majoring in the right field :) I’ll be in school a little longer now, because I was about half way through when I made this change.  That’s okay, though.  We knew we would be sticking around Idaho for a while anyways since Grant is starting his career here.  We aren’t in any rush… although, I am not going to lie, I would be perfectly fine being done with school sooner so we can start a family.  I am SO excited to be a mommy!

I think it is safe to say that, after a year and a few months of marriage, we are still adjusting.  I learn new things about Grant every single day, and we encounter new struggles and experiences that kind of rock the boat every now and then.  Marriage truly is a journey, and I love it.  It is sometimes the hardest journey, but it is so worth it… especially when you know you are on the journey with the right person.  I am grateful for the countless humbling, learning experiences I have had thus far in our marriage.  I know that I have recognized more of my shortcomings and bad habits since we have been married than I could have when I was single, and it is both amazing and difficult to work through those things.  I feel so blessed for those moments.  I can see how the Lord has taken careful consideration in giving me the right lessons and experiences to grow and become the woman I want to be and the woman He knows I can be.  Having a wonderful spouse who loves me through it all is the best part.  Grant is so supportive of me, even when I’m talking about my faults.  I know he loves me no matter what, and I think that in itself is such a beautiful, rare thing.  Another thing that tells me I married the right person :)

 I think Grant is pretty settled here in Idaho, yet I am still trying to make it feel like home.  When I think “home” I still think Arlington.  I think part of that is because we are still in school, and who knows how long we will be here?!  Our living situation feels so far from permanent, although part of me feels like we will be here for a while.  Like I said, still adjusting.  As much as I don’t love the unknown, I don’t fear it because I know that my Heavenly Father is in charge of our future.  He has a perfect plan for us, and I am grateful for that.  I like when a new page turns in our story.  It’s so exciting to see what is unfolding for us.  I could probably be a little more patient about it… something I’m trying to learn.  Regardless of what happens, we have each other and that is all that matters!