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Friday, August 17, 2012

Newlywed Experiences

It already feels like our wedding was decades ago, although it’s only been almost three weeks.  I come to love married life more and more every day, and can’t get enough of the love that Grant and I share.  We are both working a lot right now, which is hard to adjust to.  Sometimes I work in the mornings and come home just in time to see him off to work… and he usually doesn’t get home until around 11 at night.  There are days we barely get to see each other.  Thus, my favorite time of day right now is at night when Grant gets home from work.  We usually just watch a show and go to bed since we are both pretty tired at the end of every day.  As boring as that may sound, it is the best thing ever.  I love every second I get to spend with him, and cherish the days we both have off more than I ever have before.  There is something about being married that brings an indescribable bond.  It is such an amazing thing, but makes it hard to be away from each other.  One thing that I have noticed about us since we have been married is that we laugh A LOT more… and at the dumbest things.  BUT, it is so fun to have those little things between just the two of us that can make us laugh until we cry.  Laughter is one of the many things I have become incredibly grateful for in our few short weeks of marriage.

I have had this huge desire to cook lately, which seems extremely appropriate :)  I have made a few meals for Grant and I and have realized that cooking for two is a bit difficult.  I am so used to cooking for my family (5-7 people depending on who is home) and typically have leftovers even then.  The first thing I made after we were married was lasagna, but thankfully my family was there to eat with us.  However, our second dinner was just the two of us and I made enough for a small army!  I am sure some of you saw my Facebook post about having enough penne alfredo leftovers for a month :)  I realized through that experience that leftovers aren’t actually all that bad when you are busy like us.  Grant has dinner to take to work instead of a sandwich when we have leftovers, something I am sure he enjoys.  The most recent dinner I made was teriyaki chicken, rice and broccoli.  BUT, this time I made a ton of extra rice on purpose so that I could make fried rice with whatever rice we didn’t eat.  Grant just took a big Tupperware full of it with him to work today.  I laugh just a little as I think about the possibility of becoming so accustomed to cooking for two that it will be hard to reverse that and begin cooking for a family again when the time comes.  Life sure would be boring without these little bumps in the road :)

Grant and I are still really good about our weekly date nights, even though we have been busy.  Last week we spent a day running post-wedding errands – we went to the courthouse to pick up our marriage license, the DOL to get a new license for me, and the bank to open a couple of joint accounts for us.  We also had to return a couple things from the wedding that we didn’t use or need.  After all our running around, we had a nice, relaxing dinner at Red Lobster.  This week, I have planned something for us to do using an idea I found on Pinterest.  We are going to make a date night jar that has date night ideas written on popsicle sticks.  So on date nights from here on out, we can draw from our jar to see what we will do.  I think this will be good for us and bring some variety to date night, since we usually resort to a movie at home :)  It should be fun to brainstorm some new date ideas, too!

It seems like Grant and I both are still getting used to referring to each other as “husband” and “wife” and kind of get this little grin on our faces when we do – a grin that says it’s all still new and exciting to us.  I guess I felt like I would get used to it quickly, but that would probably mean it would get old faster so I am completely content with it taking some time.  I have a feeling that Grant will adjust sooner than I will, considering the fact that I also have to write “Wilson” instead of “Riggin” and remember to answer to “Mrs. Wilson, or “Sister Wilson” at church.  We just went to our new ward for the first time last Sunday.  It was the ward I was in until high school, so there were quite a few familiar faces.  However, there were plenty of new people that just called me Sister Wilson because they didn’t know how to pronounce my first name.  It always took a few seconds before I responded, as it needed time to register that they were, in fact, saying my name.  As soon as it does register, I get that same little grin that I have when we call each other husband or wife.  It is absolutely wonderful to be able to use those two words.  It is a constant reminder that we are together forever and that I will have someone right by my side from now on. 

I honestly feel like the luckiest girl on earth to have Grant as my husband… and to know that he chose ME to be his wife.  He is the biggest blessing in my life, one that I can’t imagine living without.  I think the greatest thing about Grant is that he loves me unconditionally for who I am and would never ask me to change a thing about myself.  He makes me feel perfect every single day, though I am far from it.  His focus seems to be 100% on me and how he can make me happy.  I am truly blessed.  I mean, what more could a girl ask for?!

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